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Cross-sell - literally translated as cross-selling. This is a marketing ploy that motivates the buyer to purchase additional goods or services. It can be products of the same category or related products.

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So, for example, when selling a white T-shirt, T-shirts of a different style or white T-shirts can be attributed to similar products. For related products for a T-shirt, you can specify shorts, pants or a sweatshirt.

Completed cross-sell blocks are beneficial for both the seller and the buyer. For the buyer, this is an opportunity to choose everything in one place, there is no need to independently search for related products. For the seller, this is an opportunity to sell more without additional financial investments.

In Boundless Commerce cross-sell, products can be specified using two matches:

Buy with this product
Similar products
On the site, by default, the “Buy with this product” block is displayed in the product card under the main information.

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The name of the blocks can be renamed, for example, instead of “They buy with this product”, you can write “You may be interested” or any other phrase.

The “Similar products” block is not displayed in the product card by default. You can read how to add a block in the article Managing cross-sell blocks on the product page.