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Order Email Notifications (for customers)

User Guide Settings

On an order creation or status change an email notification might be sent. By default, there is a...

Updated 7 months ago by Kirill

How to add a product?

User Guide Catalog: basics

Go to the Backend, then in the left menu: Catalog section and click "Products": After you come...

Updated 1 year ago by Kirill

How to clean up the database?

User Guide Settings

Before you begin the real usage you will probably want to remove all the demo data.To clean the d...

Updated 1 year ago by Kirill


User Guide Catalog: basics

Labels draw the attention of buyers to the special features of a product or store offer. Labels a...

Updated 1 year ago by Anastasia

Overview of the "Variants and Options" tab

User Guide Catalog: Product options (variants)

In addition to basic data about products such as name, description, price, etc., it is possible t...

Updated 1 year ago by Anastasia

Creating and entering your own characteristics

User Guide Catalog: Product options (variants)

You can add a product characteristic through the “Commodity group” menu or through the product ca...

Updated 1 year ago by Anastasia

Creating variants

User Guide Catalog: Product options (variants)

What is a product variant? A product variant is a variety of one product, such as a T-shirt can ...

Updated 1 year ago by Anastasia

Editing a variant

User Guide Catalog: Product options (variants)

To edit a variant, go to the “Variants and properties” tab. Click on the “Edit” button next to t...

Updated 1 year ago by Anastasia

Deleting variants

User Guide Catalog: Product options (variants)

You can delete a variant one by one or in bulk. Removing individual variant To extract an indiv...

Updated 1 year ago by Anastasia

Mass price setting

User Guide Catalog: Product options (variants)

In the product card, go to the "Variants and options" tab. In the table, select the options fo...

Updated 1 year ago by Anastasia

Mass stock setting

User Guide Catalog: Product options (variants)

In the product card, go to the "Variants and options" tab. In the table, select the variants f...

Updated 1 year ago by Anastasia

Creating commodity group and characteristics

User Guide Catalog: basics

Go to "Catalogue" -> "Сommodity groups" and click "Add": In the form that opens, enter the nam...

Updated 1 year ago by Anastasia

INTRODUCTION TO SEO: What is Title and Meta-description

User Guide Catalog: SEO settings

Title is the title of the html page. The title can be seen in the top line of the browser, and it...

Updated 1 year ago by Anastasia

How to fill title and meta-description for a product?

User Guide Catalog: SEO settings

In the Boundless Commerce system, by default, the Title and Meta-description of a product are aut...

Updated 1 year ago by Anastasia

SEO templates

User Guide Catalog: SEO settings

In order not to prescribe a Title and Description for each product or category, an auto-generatio...

Updated 1 year ago by Anastasia


User Guide Catalog: Cross-sell or "Frequently buy ...

Cross-sell - literally translated as cross-selling. This is a marketing ploy that motivates the b...

Updated 1 year ago by Anastasia

How to establish a link between products (this product buy with or similar product)

User Guide Catalog: Cross-sell or "Frequently buy ...

In order to set similar and related products, go to the control panel. Next, go to the product fo...

Updated 1 year ago by Anastasia

How to bulk link between products?

User Guide Catalog: Cross-sell or "Frequently buy ...

In order to set similar and related products for a product in bulk, go to the list of products, t...

Updated 1 year ago by Anastasia